Search the data Use Gene Search to find ISH data for a specific gene of interest [more] About the Sleep Study Gene expression data in the mouse brain for five conditions of sleeping and waking: SD | Sleep-deprived for 6 hours (ZT0-ZT6) | SD-C | Time of day control for sleep-deprivation (ZT6) | RS | Recovery sleep (4 hours) following 6 hours of sleep deprivation (ZT6-ZT10) | RS-C | Time of day control for recovery sleep (ZT10) | W | Waking (ZT18) |
- In collaboration with SRI International
- Microarray data for seven brain regions for experimental condition
- In situ hybridization profile of 222 genes with robust molecular changes in the forebrain
- See publication in Frontiers in Neuroscience
[more] About the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas A genome-wide, high-resolution atlas of gene expression throughout the adult mouse brain Key features: - In situ hybridization image data with cellular-level resolution
- Anatomic reference atlas
- Advanced search and visualization tools
- Brain Explorer® 3-D viewer